Just like our favourite distillers, we believe that the integrity of the process makes an outstanding final product. Here’s how we protect our editorial integrity:

  1. We do not glorify the consumption of alcohol.
  2. We tell stories and feature products we genuinely love. If it's on Measured, it's because we believe in it.
  3. If we can’t say anything nice, we don’t say anything at all.
  4. While there are many ways to enjoy a martini, we can all agree they should always be well-made and transparent. Just like our content.
  5. As with the products we feature, we select our partners carefully and only collaborate with brands that align with our values. Any stories that are part of a paid partnership are clearly labelled “Partner Content”.
  6. We do our best to ensure accuracy and clarity at the time of writing, but we’re not too proud to apologise when we make a mistake. Corrections will always be published with an editorial note.
  7. We greatly respect your privacy and will never share your personal information or data. Read more about our data policy.
  8. We fully disclose data, privacy and paid partnerships.
  9. If you’d like to submit your product for consideration, please email team@measured.guide to arrange for delivery. We graciously accept samples, but we don't guarantee mentions.
  10. Measured is completely independent and wholly owned by its founders, Thurman Wise, Thomas Williams and Annie Fox.
  11. Copyright© Measured; 2024.