At Measured, we prioritise human experience, authenticity, expertise, and integrity in our content and operations.

This AI policy underscores our commitment to human-driven creation and transparency in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

1. Human-Created Content
1.1. Exclusive Human Authorship: All content published on the Measured website, including articles, guides, reviews, and educational materials, is authored by human writers and editors. We uphold the value of human expertise, creativity, and insight in producing informative and engaging content for our audience.
1.2. Handcrafted Recipe Development: Our recipes undergo meticulous development and testing by Thurman and human mixologists. Each recipe is crafted with care and precision to ensure exceptional taste and quality, reflecting the expertise and passion of our team.
1.3. Expert-Authored Directory and Reviews: Our directory listings, product tasting notes, and recommendations are meticulously curated and authored by human experts in the field of spirits, liquors, non-alcoholic beverages, and related products. We rely on the firsthand experiences and discernment of our team to provide insightful and unbiased assessments.

2. Transparency in AI Usage
2.1. Clear Labeling of AI-Generated Imagery: Any utilisation of AI-generated imagery on the Measured website is accompanied by clear labelling to indicate its origin. We are committed to transparency, ensuring that our users are informed about the use of AI technology in visual content.
2.2. Limited Scope of AI Integration: While we recognise the potential benefits of AI technology, we use it sparingly and responsibly. AI-generated imagery is employed as a complement to human-created content, enhancing visual appeal while maintaining the authenticity and integrity of our platform.

3. No Aggregation of Content
3.1. Original Content Creation: Measured does not aggregate content from external sources, whether through AI or other means. We pride ourselves on producing original, insightful content that is tailored to the interests and preferences of our audience.
3.2. Quality Over Quantity: By focusing on human-driven creation, we prioritise quality over quantity in our content offerings. Each piece of content is meticulously crafted and curated to deliver value, relevance, and accuracy to our users.

Through the implementation of this AI policy, Measured reaffirms its dedication to providing authentic, expert-driven content and experiences to our audience. We remain committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency, integrity, and quality across all aspects of our operations.